

(loligo vulgaris)

Squid, also called cuttlefish, is a cephalopod mollusk that admits countless preparations in the kitchen, among which are: stewed in its ink, onions, fried and battered with orly pasta, the popular squid. One of the secrets to cooking a good squid is to clean it properly.
The body (mantle) can be stuffed or cut into flat fillets or rings. The most common way of preparing it is cut into rings (or sticks) and fried, being also popular grilled, stuffed and stewed, often in its own ink, which is used as an ingredient in some recipes. The legs, tentacles and ink are edible. The only parts that cannot be used are the beak and the cuttlefish.


  • g: 36 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • g: 31-36 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • m: 26-31 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • p: 21-26 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • 2p: 16-21 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • 3p: 11-15cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


  • 4p: 10 cm

    -Individual, bulk or sanitized packaging (double skin) label with weight and price (optional)


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